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Writer's pictureJulianne Gentry

April 13. Are We In the Game or Merely Spectators?

The letter from Paul to the Galatians contains the most emphatic statement of salvation apart from the works of the Law, found in Scripture. It revolutionized the thinking of Luther and played a strategic part in the Reformation.

Paul states the Gospel is a message of grace that calls for faith. The Law does not produce faith, but rather works a curse, from which Christ had to redeem men. Beyond receiving the Gospel is the necessity of living it out (chapters 5-6). Here, the power of the cross and the energy of the Holy Spirit are presented as efficacious rather than efforts to keep the Law.

from the Open Bible, NASB

Galatians: What an amazing Book!

Chapter 3:1-5

You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? This is the only thing I want to find our from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?

Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit are you now being perfected by the flesh?

Did you suffer so many things in vain--if indeed it was in vain?

Does He then, who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law or by hearing with faith?


"The righteous man shall live by faith."

We receive our salvation through faith by the Holy Spirit. Why then should we not live our lives in faith, depending on the Holy Spirit who God provided for us?

Living a dry, follow-the-rules-only kind of Christianity is all too common. Living a life of faith, an interactive, Spirit-filled life is the opposite of that dry religious life. We all have rules to live by, that's not the point. What I'm describing is the difference between watching a game and playing in a game. Whether your life is like golf or football or a roller coaster ride, everyone who shows up knows the rules. The difference is this: some are participants and some are spectators or maybe spectators that barely pay attention. Which one are you?

Is you faith active? Do you only hope and dream but you never take action? Never take a risk? Never try for fear of failure or embarrassment?

How can God work in your life if you're not engaged with Him? How can a runner learn to run well and then compete in a race if the runner is only watching from the sidelines and not being coached along the way? Some people are afraid of falling down as they run. I'm here to say this: it doesn't matter how many times you fall, it matters how many times you get back up again. You may fall running or trying to jump a hurdle. You need to get back up again. You may get tackled in a football game. You may be the quarterback and get sacked time and time again. It may hurt. Keep getting up. You may be a boxer. If you are, you are sure to be knocked down. Here is my advice: Get up. Get up. Get up.

It took me a long time to realize that I need to keep getting back up no matter how skinned my knees may be, no matter how sore my jaw may be, no matter how much I hurt. Even if I'm bleeding. I have to keep getting back up. I may need a bandage and some ice but then I need to get back in the game.

If we are to live a life of faith as a Spirit-filled Christian, we better get strong, get in the game and then learn how to stay in the game!

Only when we are in the game of life do we then have an opportunity to trust God for the outcome. Only then will his coaching advice really make sense. Only then can we hear that still, small voice and learn to obey on a moment's notice, trusting Him, and see the miraculous happen.

I heard a song recently that said, (speaking to God), "Give me reasons to trust you." My first reaction to this song was, "No! Please! No more reasons..."

I actually have a lot of reasons in my life right now where I can do nothing but trust God. I can't fix some of the situations I'm going through. I can't force or wish or change many of these things by myself. I have to wait for God. God has given me reasons to trust Him so that's what I'm doing. And at the same time, I'm moving forward. If I get to a closed door, I thank God and turn to walk in another direction. If I fall, I thank Him and I get back up again. If I get knocked down... tackled...I may groan and get up a little slower but I'm back up, staying in the game. I'm learning from my mistakes. I'm learning the tricks of my opponent. I'm learning about my own weaknesses so I can strengthen them. And once in a while, just when I think it will never happen, I make an awesome catch and I get to sprint down the glorious field with the ball tucked under my arm! Touchdown!

So my question to you is this? Are you in the game? Are you a spectator in your own life or are you living your life actively, walking hand in hand with Almighty God, trusting in Him in everything? It's scary, I grant you. It's risky, no doubt. But it's also an amazing journey! God has an incredibly fulfilling life for you to experience. Don't give in to fear or apathy. Live an active, Spirit-filled life. You will be amazed at what God can do with you, through you and for you!

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Blessings to you, my friends, on this interactive journey!


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