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Writer's pictureJulianne Gentry

Be Patient & Restrained. Be Anxious for Nothing. The Lord is Near. March 26

Let your forbearing (patient and restrained) spirit be known to all.

The Lord is near.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication (to ask earnestly or humbly) with thanksgiving (gratefulness) let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard our hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:5-7

Photo Copyright Julianne Gentry

For the last 10 days, I have been listening more than speaking. I have been talking to God more than with others. I have been eliminating unnecessary activities, conversations, interactions and even writing this blog in order to make more room for reading, praying and listening to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we need to quiet our lives. This is not to say that people and activities are bad in and of themselves. It is good, at times, to pull back, quiet down, turn down the volume in our lives and listen to the one(s) we need to hear from the most: our Father, our Lord & Savior and our Helper.

Consider the verses above. I have asked myself, "Do I have a forbearing spirit? Am I patient?"

Am I restrained in my:



my reactions




food choices

entertainment choices (so limited due to Covid- but we have choices, none-the-less)

and so on.

To whatever degree I may have attained forbearance, is that forbearing spirit known to all? In other words, do those with whom I spend time consider me to be a person of patience and restraint?

Do those who know me, such as my family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, my employer or those whom I employ, those with whom I share my community such as grocery store clerks, bank tellers, etc., do they consider me patient and a person of restraint? If asked, would those who interact with me give me a good referral in this area of my life?

Let's talk through this as a group. Are we are kind to the people we want to like us but get rough and out of control with customer service representatives who aren't helping us quickly enough?

Do we give in to road rage? Do we make online shopping purchases we really can't afford?

Where are the weak spots in our lives?

Do we get upset with others when pressed just a little too hard?

Are we cranky from too little sleep?

Are we short with people because we aren't eating right?

Do we take offense at someone or something, hold onto it and then take that frustration out on other people?

How about this one: When we have anxiety in our lives, are we more likely to be edgy? Rude? Do we make quick or bad decisions or say something we will later regret?

Anxiety, stress, pressure, being unsure, being in a new location or situation, being surprised or blind-sided by an event can all cause us to feel a level of confusion or uncertainty or lack of control. Whatever we do or say in those situations is usually something we think will put us back in control. Do you agree? What can we do about all of this?

I love the verses above: Philippians 4:5-7.

God is so practical.

Be patient and restrained. This is a command. He wouldn't encourage us or state that we should exhibit patience and restraint if He first didn't give us the ability to do so.

Galatians 5:22-26 describes the fruit of the Spirit, which includes self-control. As a Christian, we are ABLE to exhibit self-control. God gives us the ability to obey and to live out a character that is consistent with His character.

A little back story: When we confess & repent of our sins, submit to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, accept Him as our Lord and Savior, then we are made new creatures (2 For 5:17). We are cleansed and made new. We are born again (Eph 2:8-9; John 3:3). We belong to His family(1 John 3:1-2; John 1:12; Eph 2:19-22; Gal 6:10) and His kingdom (Matt 6:33; 1 Cor 15:50). We are given Spiritual Gifts (1Peter 4:10-11; 1 Cor 12; Eph 4:11-16). As a believing, active, healthy Christian, we will demonstrate the "fruit of the Spirit." Just as a lemon tree produces lemons or a peach tree produces peaches, so the Christian will produce the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

Therefore, it seems reasonable to me that if we, as Christians, are not patient or show self-restraint, then we are either a disobedient Christian who needs to make changes, or we may not be a Christian at all.

This is a call to Christians for re-examination and making changes in our lives with God's help.

(Eph 4: 1-3)

This is a call to those who aren't Christians to make a decision for Christ, with God's help.

(Matthew 7:15-20)

So, be patient and restrained. As Christians, we have the ability to be. Be anxious for nothing because we have the ability to NOT be anxious through Christ Jesus- Why? Because He is near we need not fear. (We are told to Fear Not many times in the Bible. Do a study on this.)

God is near.

He is close.



Why then should we ever need to feel anxious, afraid, impatient or upset?

God is the only one who can give us the completely fulfilling peace of mind that we so desperately need.

We need God. We need God's word. We need His Peace of mind and His Peace in our hearts. We need God's forgiveness and teaching and strength and help to do all of these things and to be all of these things.

Lord God, Thank you for being You. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for giving us your Word, the Bible. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us and to die as our Redeemer and Lord. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to live in us and among us. Thank you, God, that we need not be anxious or afraid. We can be calm, patient and restrained knowing that You are here and in control of All things. We can experience the peace of mind and total rest that only You can give.

You are trustworthy. You are kind and patient with us. You don't give up on us. You won't give up on me.

I just want you, Lord. Take me, I'm yours. You are all I need. Amen.

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