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Writer's pictureJulianne Gentry

February 17. More Endurance.

James 1:2-4

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

Again with Endurance? Didn't we talk about this already? If you are feeling this way, so am I. But God keeps putting this before my eyes as I read James daily. It keeps standing out as if it's highlighted. So...Yes, Lord, I will obey. I will meditate on endurance. I will investigate endurance. I will learn about it, get to know it and consider how to apply it to my life, even if I'm feeling a little resistant. Will you journey with me? If so, then let's take a step in that direction. Let's trust God and see how His word will change our lives. Here we go...

As you read the below definitions and synonyms of endurance, consider your greatest struggles. Look up definitions of the synonyms to get a fuller meaning.

Endurance is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. It is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise.

Endurance noun

the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. "she was close to the limit of her endurance" Similar: toleration bearing tolerance sufferance fortitude forbearance

patience acceptance stoicism stamina staying power perseverance persistence tenacity pertinacity. (Pertinacity is a quality of sticking with something, no matter what. It's a type of persistent determination. People who have pertinacity won't give up, and they stick with things doggedly. Pursuing a difficult career requires pertinacity. Pertinacity is a mix of courage, conviction, and a little stubbornness) doggedness. (Great determination to do something, even if it is very difficult: The team's doggedness was rewarded with a last-minute goal) indefatigability

tirelessness resoluteness resolution determination Dunkirk spirit stickability guts grit spunk

Endurance - adjective

-denoting or relating to a race or other sporting event that takes place over a long distance or otherwise demands great physical stamina. "the annual 24-hour endurance race"


A bit of homework: In your mind, or on paper if you're really serious, line up your greatest struggles next to the descriptions. This is for you and no one else to read. Begin to contrast and compare your efforts of endurance in the difficult areas of your life. Is life too hard? Do you give up too easily? Do you retreat or stand your ground? Do you give in to difficult situations or people or do you fight back too hard, overreacting and having to go back and apologize? Do you give in to temptation, whatever that may be? Consider how you deal with difficulties. How do you endure? How can you improve in a Godly way?

The very next verse in James 1:5 reminds us to ask for wisdom. I think it's no accident that this verse comes right after the exhortation to endure trials.

Enduring our trials with wisdom is the goal.

Enduring our trials with joy, knowing that God is perfecting us, is what we must keep on the forefront of our minds. If you're like me, you have to write that down and tape it to your bathroom mirror. It's easy to forget or get overwhelmed. Remind yourself of the truth over and over any way you need to.

Trusting God and having faith that He's working in your life is part of enduring.

Trust God.

Ask for Wisdom.

Determine what your next action should be. (Note: we can't always see the whole game plan. Sometimes all we see is the next step. Are you willing to trust Him one step at a time?)

Move forward. Step by step by step by step.

If you get the chance to sprint or run full speed ahead, then by all means, Go for it! Enjoy your life.

Don't give up.

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