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Writer's pictureJulianne Gentry

May 6. A Predestined Inheritance.

Imagine you have inherited a castle, finances, a solid family name with clout and all of the regalia that goes along with it. Now imagine you have inherited the Kingdom of God. If you are a Christian, sweet friend, then you have.

Ephesians 1:11

Also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all thing after the counsel of His will.

You, my friend, are a child of the Most High God. You have been chosen, predestined into adoption into the Kingdom of God, you have received and inheritance. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit who is given as your pledge of your inheritance. Congratulations!

Predestined: and outcome or course of events determined in advance by divine will.

Chosen: to have been selected.

Sealed: to fasten or secure closely, to authenticate.

Adoption: the action or fact of legally taking another's child into the family.

Read through Ephesians Chapter One. Make a list of who you are in Christ. What does your identity consist of? Who are you? So much of it is right here.

Please sign in and post your findings. We long to hear how God is speaking to you.



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